It’s time to get the word out.

Tell others about the risks of zebra and quagga mussels.

3 steps to spreading the message:

Prevent the Spread of Invasive Zebra Quagga Mussels to B.C. and the Okanagan

Understand the issue and how to prevent them.

Zebra and quagga mussels put what we treasure most about the Okanagan at risk. Knowing what those risks are and how to prevent them allows us to maintain important waterways and the unique beauty of our valley.

If you know someone who boats, fishes and travels in and out of the Okanagan with their watercraft, let them know how they can prevent bringing in these dangerous mollusks, including the Clean, Drain, Dry method.

Prevent the Spread of Invasive Zebra Quagga Mussels to B.C. and the Okanagan
Prevent the Spread of Invasive Zebra Quagga Mussels to B.C. and the Okanagan

Use our  free “Spread the message, not the mussels” kit.

Help us keep Okanagan waters zebra and quagga mussel-free by sharing our helpful resources with family, friends, neighbours, and anyone else who may benefit knowing the risks zebra and quagga mussels bring to our valley. Each kit includes posters, postcards, a boat checklist, and lots more to help get the word out.

Prevent the Spread of Invasive Zebra Quagga Mussels to B.C. and the Okanagan
Prevent the Spread of Invasive Zebra Quagga Mussels to B.C. and the Okanagan

Get social!

It doesn’t take long for zebra and quagga mussels to get established once they arrive. Each female can produce around one million eggs each year. The mussels can be unknowingly spread by fishers, boaters, and other nature lovers. Spread the message on all your favourite social pages, and make sure to follow us so you can share the latest info about the mussels.

Prevent the Spread of Invasive Zebra Quagga Mussels to B.C. and the Okanagan

Want to know more about zebra and quagga mussels?

Learn everything you need to know, including what they are, where they come from, and how they got their strange names.

Mussels 101